Therapy for Women

For Women
Are You a Walking To-Do List?

Ever feel like you need a clone?

There are so many bases to cover, so many boxes to check. It’s a lot to manage – the kids, the job, the spouse, the home, the pets.

Do you remember a time when you had hopes and dreams of your own?

Or when you had time to hope and dream?

Meet Michelle

Michelle is a conscientious, responsible person. She does her best to be good at everything she does, from being a mom to being a wife to being a good employee.

Lately, it seems that she is not enough. Like she needs a clone to help her do everything she tries to do.

Michelle is not sleeping that well; she falls into bed exhausted and then can’t get to sleep because of all the tapes running in her head: mistakes she made that day, things that need to happen tomorrow, mistakes she made over her lifetime (that one makes her laugh – how are these still coming up?). All of it keeps her awake late into the night, and she starts it all over early the next morning.

Michelle knows it’s not great that she is always on the phone when she is with her kids. Sometimes work issues just have to be dealt with, so she puts the kids in front of a video and handles things.

Her marriage is a little rocky, and Michelle and her spouse do not feel as close as they once did, but she keeps thinking, “We’ll work on this when we get through this crazy-busy phase.” And that day seems never to show up.

Work is challenging, especially when work and parenting conflict, like the day she is finally making her big presentation. It has been scheduled for months, and she has stayed up late into the night each night for the past week to put on the finishing touches.

Just before the meeting, Michelle gets a text from her child’s school; her 3rd grader is throwing up and running fever, and she needs to come pick her up immediately. Her spouse is out of town. Her meeting is scheduled to begin in 15 minutes and take two hours. Her little girl needs her. She is trying so hard, but she feels like she is failing at everything.

Michelle is tired – really, really tired – and there seems to be no rest on the horizon. She has noticed that her mood is kind of down lately, and she doesn’t bounce back from problems like she used to.

Michelle has thought before that maybe she should talk with someone. Things seem to be off the rails lately, and maybe she needs a little help to get things back on track.

And so, she calls.

It’s scary at first. Will this person understand? Will she be judged for taking on too much? Will things get better?

And you know what?

She is pleasantly surprised.

She IS understood, she is NOT judged but is welcomed with open arms to a safe space where she can sort this out.

And things do get better.

Michelle knows it was right to trust that part of her that reached out. She was able to get what she needed, to deal with what had her stuck and move things in the direction of clarity and balance.

Michelle feels like there is so much good stuff ahead of her!

Reach Out If You Need to Talk to Someone

If you can relate to Michelle, fill out the contact information below.

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